Monday, 2 September 2013

Day Length Calendar

This is something that has been gnawing at me for at least 8 years and I have finally got round to producing it. In a way it is completely pointless but it is something that nonetheless piques my interest. It is not perfect by any means as I'm sure any astronomer worth their salt would pick it to pieces. But then it is not meant to be, as for one thing, it would be extremely difficult to achieve graphically. Well it might not be to someone else but I just can't be arsed....

It might be a bit small to see it in detail so I'll try and work out how to get a PDF of it on here


  1. I think this is brilliant Joe! I love it. I'm a windsurfer, surfer and work as a gardener and my life revolves around the length of daylight and this gives a very good picture of equivalence across the year.I love the seasons for the autumn winter storms and the onset of spring when everything starts to grow again. Not so keen on the short winter days. I'd love a large one to mount on the wall.Have you considered making a poster sized laminated version and selling it? Small spaces for writing comments would be great as well,similar to a calendar.

  2. Finally! I found it! I was enjoyed it many years ago, and then I forgot it. Now I remembered it and tryed to find it on google, and it wasn't very easy.. Now. then I finally found it, I want to print it in a large size, frame and hang it on the wall. Thank you, Joe!
